• Martin Morden

    Martin Modern is new launch condo 2017 by GuocoLand, target to launch around May 2017. This 450 unit property is located in highly sought after Prime District 9 at Martin Place and River Valley Close. Each unit will come with a view of gardens, the city and or the Singapore River.


    The Clement Canopy is one of our new launch condo 2017 in February 2017. Featuring timeless design and elegant style incorporating smart home features.

  • Parc Botannia

    Parc Botannia is located at Fernvale Road with easy access of public transport. Thanggam LRT Station is just minutes walk to the station and is also linked to other parts of the Singapore via TPE (Tampines Expressway) and CTE (Central Expressway).

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Principal Garden

Principal Garden

Principal Garden -New Launch Condo 2017

Principal Garden is jointly developed by UOL and Kheng Leong. And it is located at Prestigious address in Prince Charles Crescent. This unique development comprises of 663 units condominium whereby the residents will enjoys exclusive panoramic views of the prestigious neighbourhood of Tanglin GCB enclaves and Botanic Gardens. 80% of the landscape is design with lush gardens, revel in four times more nature than structure. Principal Garden space is elegantly crafted to give a premium space.
Principal Garden is located nearby to the prestigious areas of Chatsworth Park Good Class Bungalow estate, and also close proximity to the city’s most prime locations. Its exclusive neighbourhood plays an integral role together with the development's design, with excellent space and views. Other then the expansive landscape, Principal Garden residents will also get to enjoy integrating views of the famous Orchard Road shopping belt, Singapore Botanic Gardens or Bukit Timah.

Source: https://www.newlaunchhome.com/principal-garden/

钱满满带你看维多利亚园山庄 Victoria Park Villas

钱满满带你看维多利亚园山庄 Victoria Park Villas

位于武吉知马地区的优质洋房项目Victoria Park Villas,还没推出就已经引起市场关注。


Ah Boy妈钱满满又“抢鲜”看过示范单位了,这也是我第一次去参观洋房项目,和以往看过的公寓感觉还真不一样,赶紧第一时间和大家分享。

地点:地段优越 名校环绕


Victoria Park Villas位于加冕路和维多利亚园路(Victoria Park Road)交界处,这一带都是优质洋房,周围更是名校林立:华侨中学、南洋小学、南洋女中、莱佛士女子小学、国家初级学院、美以美女校……一只手都数不过来。

这里不光靠近新加坡植物园,离乌节路也只有十多分钟车程,附近还有地铁环线的花拉路(Farrer Road)站和滨海市区线的陈嘉庚站,无论私人或是公共交通都很便捷。也难怪这块优质洋房地段在2013年推出招标时,吸引多达12家发展商竞标,当时凯德集团的出价比第二名足足高出17%,可见这个地段有多抢手。



设计:巧用地形 构思独到






一般洋房的地下层多作为储藏室使用,Victoria Park Villas的建筑师则改进地下层的通风和采光,让这一层也变得适宜居住。地下层设有卧室和厕所,如果家中有行动不便的年长者,住在这一层,进出就方便多了。

这个项目共包括106栋半独立式洋房与三栋独立式洋房。独立式洋房的占地面积介于56966551平方英尺。半独立式洋房包括100栋花园洋房(garden villa),占地面积介于21533115平方英尺,以及六栋泳池洋房(pool villa),占地面积介于29603835平方英尺。

(資料來源) Source: http://zproperty.zaobao.com.sg/zproperty/singapore-property/new-launches/story20160902-661436